Germany Poland Ukraine Ukraine Moldova Slovak Republic Czech Republic Austria Italy Romania Hungary Serbia and Montenegro Greece Greece Greece Albania Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia Bulgaria Bosnia Herzegovina Croatia Slovenia Europa

What's new on CADSES?


01 September 2010
CADSES contact data
Contact data for the CADSES Programme more
19 December 2008
JTS Office temporarily closed
The INTERREG IIIB CADSES JTS is temporarily closed due to reorganisation more
01 December 2008
Farewell in Venice – Final Get-Together of the “CADSES Family”
Closing Conference in Venice, 24 and 25 November 2008 more
14 November 2008
INTERREG IVC Lead Applicant Seminar
Katowice, 5 December 2008 more
21 August 2008
HERITAGE ALIVE! – New interactive solutions for the mediation of cultural heritage
A set of project publications tell a lot about how to utilise cultural heritage potentials and how to communicate them with new media technologies more
29 July 2008
CADSES Results issue 3 completes brochure series
The third and last issue of the CADSES Results series has been printed and is now available. more
25 July 2008
HERMES – Heritage and New Media for Sustainable Regional Development
Promotion and protection of cultural heritage more
more news and events


CADSES Results Brochure
CADSES Project Book 

Download your copy here!               

Project Management Handbook